Unregistered Podcast

Alex was interviewed by Thaddeus Russel on the Unregistered podcast. Listen in!

Alex at Google

Recently Alex spoke at Google on the moral case for fossil fuels, part of the popular Google Talks series. The Q&A session that followed brought up interesting topics, including how to frame a conversation about energy, the role of experts, and the impact of energy policies on poverty.

My 30-minute interrogation on fossil fuels; the I Love Fossil Fuels tie

Last year at CERAWeek I sat down with TV host Aaron Harber for what I can only describe as an interrogation (a friendly interrogation). He asked the toughest questions he could–and there were some good ones–and I answered in rapid-fire style. It was a lot of fun. If you want a fun exercise, pause the video after each question and think of your own answer. Then see how our approaches compare. New! I Love Fossil Fuels Tie Two …

The next 4 years of energy policy

Last week I was interviewed on the Reason.com podcast by leading libertarian thinker Nick Gillespie. The subject was the new administration’s energy policy–and, more broadly, what the right energy policy is. The interview was supposed to last 20 minutes but it ended up lasting an hour. Nick asked great questions and we covered some ground I haven’t covered in other …