A Good Primer on the Shale Gas Revolution

If you have been hearing about “fracking” and want to know what the excitement is about, read Matt Ridley’s recent article documenting the exciting new discoveries of massive amounts of previously inaccessible energy. What’s that you say? Gas is running out? Have you not heard the news? It’s not. Until five years ago, gas was the fuel everybody thought would …

The Unsustainable Green Business

By Ryan Krause[Editor’s Note: I am excited to introduce our readers to Ryan Krause, a new blogger at Industrial Progress Report. Ryan Krause is a PhD Candidate and Associate Instructor of Strategic Management at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business. He conducts research in the areas of strategic leadership and corporate governance. –AE]Why did Solyndra fail, and what can that …

Occupy Wall Street: “To Hell With Steve Jobs”

On Saturday, October 22, CIP’s Dr. Eric Dennis and I visited the Occupy Wall Street demonstration to learn about the protestors’ goals and motivations. Here is one particularly revealing exchange between Eric and a protestor on the subject of our culture’s dearly-departed industrial hero, Steve Jobs. (We will post the video footage of this exchange, and several other revealing exchanges, …

My Speech about the Keystone XL Pipeline

This past Wednesday, there was a public hearing on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline (bringing oil from Canadian oil sands to the US) in Austin, TX. Center for Industrial Progress had a representative on scene to read a speech I wrote–unfortunately, he didn’t get to speak, as the event was stacked with representatives of environmentalist groups or labor groups, who are …