The Human Flourishing Project

On the latest episode of Power Hour, I announce what I call The Human Flourishing Project— the first step of which is the new Human Flourishing Podcast. One of my advisors on the project and my co-host on the podcast is strategy guru Dan Sullivan, founder of Strategic Coach. He joins me on Power Hour to discuss how the project came to be and what we hope to accomplish with it.

Bottom line: I expect this project to both accelerate our impact on the energy debate and impact many other crucial debates, as well.

Listen here and enter in your email at to get updates about the new project. We’ll be launching the new podcast by the beginning of February.

My favorite speech finally available — and it’s just 12 minutes

Related, back in October I gave a speech to the Genius Network annual event in Arizona. It was about freedom and human flourishingThe event was $10K a person to attend and until now the full recording was only available to Genius Network members who pay $25K a year. But now it’s available on YouTube. It’s 12 minutes, maybe the best talk I’ve ever given. Please share it.

The Latest from CIP

Animated Drawing of The Moral Case

CIP’s supporters include many talented individuals, such as contrarian artist Matthew Drake. Matthew graciously offered to create an animated drawing of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels. Watch it here:


Hearts and Minds

We constantly get messages from readers and viewers commenting on how our pro-human, full-context approach to thinking about issues has changed their way of thinking–and communicating. Here’s a recent one:

“I looked at the course in parts over a few weeks then repeated the parts I needed to clarify.

The first conversation I had after finishing your course was not about energy but about another political topic which people are sensitive about in my country. During this I immediately noticed how the person I was speaking to was breaking a rule you set out (not focusing on the question). I would have never noticed this before your course and would be led away from our first question. If I can at least master this skill your course will have given me a better view of one on one discussion.

I also observed that the person I was talking to, also began to be aware of the whole structure of our conversation. They themselves proposed a moral focus for our talk – ‘they just want people to live a better life’.

Thanks and hope to see you speak in China one day.

– Stewart, after completing How to Talk to Anyone About Energy