Resources – U.S. Pipeline – 1/17/19

Resources from Alex Epstein

My presentations have two goals:

  1. Increase your clarity on energy issues
  2. Increase your positive influence on energy issues

These resource will help you take both to new heights.

As I mentioned at the event, I’m also offering you several bonuses to help you have more constructive conversations about energy.

(1) In my Energy Clarity and Energy Influencer newsletters, which you’re already subscribed to, I’ll share my best material on how to understand and communicate energy issues.

(2) This video will teach you one of the most powerful persuasion tactics I know: opinion stories.

(3) This video series, from my $100 course “How to Have Constructive Conversations about Energy,” will teach you my step-by-step formula for having more constructive conversations.

Increase your energy clarity

Framework: How to think about our energy choices using a pro-human framework

Facts: The full context of facts that should inform our energy choices

Positions: The pro-human choice on vital energy issues


Increase your energy influence

Framework: Why and how to reframe all energy communication in pro-human terms (“Arguing to 100”)

Strategy: How to get clarity on your persuasive objectives and the highest leverage drivers to achieve them

Messaging: Persuasive, pro-human content that is at the heart of positive influence

Conversation: How to positive influence others in one-on-one conversation

Internal Communication: How to positively influence your peers and colleagues

Shareable resources: Usually the best way to positively influence others is to give them a preexisting resource that is pro-human and persuasive.