I tested my methods. Here’s what happened.

We recently surveyed 735 members of the public who are familiar with my work, but who are not part of the fossil fuel industry, and asked them:

“On a scale of 0 (not at all) to 10 (extremely) how would you rate yourself before and after encountering Alex Epstein’s work on fossil fuels?”

The results were striking:

  • 40% increase in interest in fossil fuels–from a 6 to an 8.5
  • 42% increase in how positively they view the fossil fuel industry–from a 6 to a 9
  • 125% increase in how confident they feel turning non-supporters into supporters–from a 3 to a 6.5
  • 68% increase in eagerness to champion the fossil fuel industry–from a 5 to an 8
  • 48% increase in willingness to recommend a career in the fossil fuel industry–from a 5.5 to an 8
  • 52% increase in understanding of the positive impacts of the fossil fuel industry on human life–from a 6 to a 9
  • 95% increase in understanding of the positive impacts of the fossil fuel industry on our environment–from a 4.5 to an 8.5
  • 61% increase in understanding of the major concerns about fossil fuels–from a 5.5 to an 8.5

I believe that every company can get these results, regardless of budget. Here are just a few of the resources we offer to help you win hearts and minds:

  1. The Best of Alex Epstein – A guide to some of my best speeches, interviews, debates, podcasts, and articles–all available for free on the web.
  2. Speaking – Bring the moral case for fossil fuels directly to your executives, employees, or stakeholders, with speeches including, “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels,” “How to Talk to Anyone About Energy,” and “How to Win Hearts and Minds.”
  3. Constructive Conversation Workshop – Get custom guidance and feedback on your team’s constructive conversation abilities with a Constructive Conversation Workshop for 5 to 20 people.
  4. Stakeholder Strategy Session – A day-long session for organizations that are undertaking a new, significant communication project and want to maximize their chances of success.

If you care about winning hearts and minds, then you need these materials. To learn more about these and other options, reply to this email with “learn more,” and we can set up a 15 minute phone call to discuss how CIP can best help you.