A new video

Texas events + a new video

Last week I did an hour-long Q&A with Maynard Holt, CEO of Tudor, Pickering, Holt, & Company. The good news: 20 minutes of the Q&A is now available publicly here.

Here’s part of the report that TPH sent out to their list of thousands.

TPH Luncheon Series welcomed Alex Epstein, author of The Moral Case for Fossil FuelsAs a feature part of last week’s NAPE activities, we sat down with Alex Epstein – philosopher, energy expert and author – for a firm wide discussion of his “alternative” views and the work behind his Center for Industrial Progress (video Link). The foundation of Mr. Epstein’s philosophy, and the central thesis of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, is the notion that hydrocarbon-based energy sources are good because they best foster human flourishing, which in turn leads to improved standards of living (including environmental factors) for the world’s 7 billion inhabitants. Mr. Epstein argues the oil & gas industry possesses too little conviction in more forcefully spreading the message of the fundamental good that it does – producing the cheapest, most reliable form of energy that is critical to sustaining and accelerating human flourishing.”

While I was in town I also did a book-signing at TPH’s NAPE happy hour and met with executives at three major energy organizations. Special thanks to Maynard Holt for inviting me and to TPH’s Tammy Duong for impeccably organizing the whirlwind of events. And thanks to the 200 of you that signed up for this list—welcome!