The Inconvenient Truth About “An Inconvenient Sequel”

Last Sunday I used a lot of fossil fuels to fly to and from an advance screening of Al Gore’s new movie, An Inconvenient Sequelthe follow-up to his 2006 blockbuster “documentary” warning about a fossil-fueled climate apocalypse.

Right after the screening I shared some initial thoughts and answered questions on Facebook. I have several media appearances lined up this week to discuss Gore’s film, along with an op-ed reviewing the film. I’ll send all the links on Sunday.

Why millennials are snubbing jobs in the fossil fuel industry

Last week I released my new white paper, “The Fossil Fuel Industry’s Millennial Problem–and How to Solve It.” The next day, Business Insider published a story detailing just how big a problem this is. Here’s a sample:

Millennials continue to have the most negative opinion toward the oil industry compared to all other industries, and they don’t see a career in oil and gas as their top choice of a workplace. The oil industry’s talent scouting and recruiting methods of the past are failing to reach Millennials, who want their work to have a positive impact on society, various studies and polls have found—a rather big ask for the oil industry.

This failure to reach the group that makes up the largest portion of today’s workforce—which now surpasses Generation X—points to a huge problem for the oil sector, as Baby Boomers move into retirement in droves. . . .

A total of 14 percent of Millennials say they would not want to work in the oil and gas industry because of its negative image—the highest percentage of any industry, McKinsey said in September 2016. . . .

Accenture is warning that ‘the talent well has run dry’ and said:

“We believe the growing workforce deficit will, in fact, be a greater barrier to oil and gas companies’ upturn success than any deficits that might exist in capital, equipment or supplies.”

The oil and gas industry is losing the competition for talent recruitment to industries that are more appealing to Millennials, and U.S. oil and gas firms will face the talent crunch first, according to Accenture.

“Any mature industry has to think about the fact that there’s a new sheriff in town with new values, new spending habits,” Jeff Fromm, an expert in marketing to American Millennials, told Bloomberg.

And if the oil and gas industry wants to get this ‘new sheriff in town’ on board, it needs to profoundly change recruitment strategies and talent sourcing. But with the negative image that is probably set to become even more negative—despite oil organizations’ marketing efforts—oil and gas has a huge workforce problem looming.

If you want to learn more about the solution to this problem, I encourage you to read my white paper.

You can also visit, where I describe the four ways you can access CIP’s “Ambassador in a Box” program for educating your employees in the moral case for fossil fuels and the art of constructive conversation:

Free Online

Instantly access free resources that will help you learn more about our approach and which you can use to empower your employees:

Premium Online

In our online training program, “How to Have Constructive Conversations About Energy,” your employees will get access to hours of video and a year-long email series that cover theunique benefits of fossil fuels, concerns about fossil fuels, energy policy, and training in constructive conversation.

Each lesson contains exercises with employees receiving individualized feedback from CIP.

Cost: $100 per employee

Premium Live

This program includes the premium version of our online “How to Have Constructive Conversations About Energy” course, as well as a one-day live training program, developed in consultation with training specialists and focus-group tested to ensure that companies get the best possible results.

Cost: $200 per employee + facilitator certification or CIP-certified instructor fee


You can also customize our Premium Online or Premium Live courses to include:

  • Company-specific material
  • Your top policy issues
  • Regular content updates to reinforce the training
  • Follow-up live presentations or Q&As by Alex Epstein
  • Anything else that will make our material more valuable to your employees

To learn which version of the “Ambassador in a Box” program is right for you, visit the website or email us at with the subject line “ambassadorship” to set up a phone call.