Finally, it’s available–my new ambassador course, “How to Have Constructive Conversations About Energy”

I’m excited to announce that you can now sign up for my universal and comprehensive training program for employees in the moral case for fossil fuels and the art of constructive conversation. “How to Have Constructive Conversations About Energy” is the best method I know of for creating motivated, effective ambassadors.

In this course, you’ll find:

  • The most effective energy ambassador material ever created
  • 20 slideshow video lessons, 7 animated video lessons, 50 email lessons
  • Quizzes with individualized feedback from me and other experts at the Center for Industrial Progress
  • Certification as an “Energy Champion Level 1” after completing the entire program

The program is available online and in-person. Visit the sign up page for more information including the full curriculum, pricing, and a sample video.

Two New Interviews

I enjoy doing long-form interviews where I can delve deeply into the issues that I cover, especially the human flourishing framework behind the moral case for fossil fuels. I recently had the chance to do two of these interviews, and they are some of my favorites.

Last week I appeared on the Thaddeus Russell podcast Unregistered for an interview that ran nearly two and half hours–the longest interview I’ve ever done. It was a wide-ranging discussion that went into a lot of depth on the issue of human flourishing vs. non-impact as the standard of value. You can listen to it here.

I also appeared on the podcast Author Hour hosted by Charlie Hoehn and gave what I think is one of my best explanations of the moral case for fossil fuels. The interview also including the most in-depth discussion to date of the Human Flourishing Project. You can listen to it here.