The Nation’s First New Refinery Since 1976 Demonstrates that Industrial Progress is Flourishing in North Dakota

The men and women of the American oil industry are facilitating the greatest increase in the availability of life supporting fuel seen in decades. Their prodigious creation of oil—through advancements in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (fracking) technologies—has stabilized world crude prices, reducing the need for U.S. oil imports and increasing the availability of liquid fuels which have offset the damage …

Fracking Ban Advocates Choose to Ignore Their Victims

Promoters of bans on oil and gas development through hydraulic fracturing (fracking) often depict their opponent as a “fracking company” from the “dirty energy industry.” Demonizing men and women of the oil and gas industry who produce the fuel powering life throughout the state is bad enough, however, there is another group of victims who are not even mentioned: Colorado …

Colorado Fracking Bans Could Cause Billions of Dollars in Compensation Claims

Bans on hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in Boulder County, Colorado, could result in enormous destruction of wealth, states a study commissioned by The National Association of Royalty Owners (NARO). According to the Niobrara News, NARO; …released a report that estimates the future cash flows related to expected horizontal well results in the Wattenberg Field in Boulder County. Boulder County could be …

Sacrificing The Poor In The Name Of “Renewable” Energy

In “The Poverty of Renewables”, Bjorn Lomborg challenges the often repeated claim that expanded use of so-called renewable energy will enhance the living standards of the world’s poorest people. Lomborg counters this by noting that people living at the lowest income levels spend a greater proportion of their wealth on energy. Therefore, diverting billions of dollars from productive activities into …

“Advancements Through 15 Years of Fracturing” Published 49 Years Ago

Today’s headlines describe the record oil and gas production volumes achieved by the men and woman who hydraulically fracture (frac) horizontal wellbores. As I explained in my previous article, few of these reports mention that people have been fracing for over sixty-five years. Opponents of fracing have capitalized on this failure. They are all too eager to portray the science …

Hydraulic Fracturing: Stimulating U.S. Oil Production for Over 65 Years

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) announced that oil production volumes for the week ending September 13 totaled 7.827 million barrels of oil per day, the highest levels since May of 1989. This was made possible by the increased use of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (fracing), primarily on privately owned lands in Texas and North Dakota. This increase in …

The Natural Disaster in Japan Highlights Green Energy’s Failure to Live Up to Claims

A popular myth propagated in today’s culture is that so called “green energies” or “renewables” are viable alternatives to fossil fuels. There is little evidence to support this claim; however, adherents to this creed continue to push for restrictions and bans on today’s leading energy sources and demand ever-greater subsidies for “renewables.” The energy system which currently sustains the 7.1 …

Keystone: “You Can’t Build That”?

What if I told you that a transportation company had plans to expand into region where the majority of commuters were stranded? The project was entirely privately funded, the materials purchased, many of the contracts signed, and that the route plan and design was the most studied in history. Sound like a straightforward business decision? What if I then told …